#115 My Top Marketing Strategy & How It Can Work for You Too
Episode Summary:
Two years ago, I hit record on the very first episode of Educated, Empowered, Inspired. Now, I can’t imagine running my business without this podcast. In today’s special 2-year anniversary episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on why I chose podcasting as my main content pillar, how it’s transformed my business, and why it might be the best marketing tool you’re not using yet.
If you’ve been wondering how to grow your brand, build deeper connections, and generate leads without constantly fighting social media algorithms, this episode is for you. Let’s talk about the real power of podcasting and how it can work for YOU!
Key Takeaways:
🎙️ Why I Chose Podcasting Over Other Content Types
💡 How Podcasting Has Helped Me Grow My Business
🚫 Limiting Beliefs About Podcasting (And Why They’re Wrong!)
🎯 This Week’s Action Step:
Write down 3 podcast topic ideas based on the biggest pain points you solve for your clients. Feeling brave? Record a quick 2-minute voice memo sharing your thoughts—just for practice!
Podcast Listeners Resource Guide - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/guide
List Builder Growth Scorecard - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/scorecard
Marketing Makeover Strategy Session - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/marketingmakeover
The Business Power Hour - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/powerhour
Women Entrepreneurs In Prayer Call - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/prayercall
Email Quickstart Guide - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/emailguide
Profitable FB Profile Guide - https://resources.shellyniehaus.com/fbprofile
Convertkit - https://partners.convertkit.com/shellyniehaus
Equipt360 All-in-One Markerting Software - https://equipt360.com/?_from=shelly75